Tilney Performance
Tilney Active Portfolios 31 December 2020
Source: Morningstar Direct. These returns are shown net of 0.75% management fee, admin charge of 7bps (taken within the unitised fund which includes a 2.5bps fund administration charge paid to Tilney), underlying fund charges, with interest and dividends reinvested. These are investment related charges only and do not take into account any Platform or Custody Charge or costs associated with Financial Planning advice. For the Tilney Conservative, Income, Balanced and Maximum Growth Portfolios, performance data prior to 20 Sept 2019 is based on the performance of the relevant IFSL Tilney Bestinvest fund. For the Tilney Defensive, Cautious, Sustainable, Growth and Adventurous Portfolios, performance data prior to the launch of the Clean share classes (1 Feb 2017) is based on 0% AMC adjusted upwards to 0.75% AMC. We have compared our performance with the relevant Asset Risk Consultants Private Client index (ARC PCI) which comprises real private client returns submitted to ARC by UK private client investment managers. For further information, please visit www.assetrisk.com.
As investments may go down in value as well as up, you may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is no indication of future performance.
Long term performance
Source: Morningstar Direct as at 31/12/2020. These returns are shown net of 0.75% management fee, admin charge of 7bps (taken within the unitised fund which includes a 2.5bps fund administration charge paid to Tilney), underlying fund charges, with interest and dividends reinvested. These are investment related charges only and do not take into account any Platform or Custody Charge or costs associated with Financial Planning advice. For the Tilney Conservative, Income, Balanced and Maximum Growth Portfolios, performance data prior to 20 Sept 2019 is based on the performance of the relevant IFSL Tilney Bestinvest fund. For the Tilney Defensive, Cautious, Sustainable, Growth and Adventurous Portfolios, performance data prior to the launch of the Clean share classes (1 Feb 2017) is based on 0% AMC adjusted upwards to 0.75% AMC. We have compared our performance with the relevant Asset Risk Consultants Private Client index (ARC PCI) which comprises real private client returns submitted to ARC by UK private client investment managers. For further information, please visit www.assetrisk.com.
As investments may go down in value as well as up, you may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is no indication of future performance.
Performance Over 1 year vs. ARC & indices
Source: Morningstar Direct as at 31/12/2020. These returns are shown net of 0.75% management fee, admin charge of 7bps (taken within the unitised fund which includes a 2.5bps fund administration charge paid to Tilney), underlying fund charges, with interest and dividends reinvested. These are investment related charges only and do not take into account any Platform or Custody Charge or costs associated with Financial Planning advice. For the Tilney Conservative, Income, Balanced and Maximum Growth Portfolios, performance data prior to 20 Sept 2019 is based on the performance of the relevant IFSL Tilney Bestinvest fund. We have compared our performance with the relevant Asset Risk Consultants Private Client index (ARC PCI) which comprises real private client returns submitted to ARC by UK private client investment managers. For further information, please visit www.assetrisk.com.
As investments may go down in value as well as up, you may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is no indication of future performance.